With the alarming waste generation posing massive health risks and environmental degradation globally, concerned individuals and groups from around the world have also taken concrete action to address and mitigate irreversible impact to the envoronment and the vulnerable sector including the waste collectors.
In the Asian Region, World Vision's solid waste management (SWM) program PHINLA, funded by the German government and development agency BMZ and in partnership with local actors, has strengthened eco-friendly initiatives in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Ondonesia through innovation and enhancements of effective waste management practices at the village or community level. The PHINLA program aims to empower waste workers and communities affected by poor waste management by harnessing waste collection and management processes to provide additional livelihood source assisting local government in developing/enhancing their solid waste management systems and raising public awareness and involvement in addressing waste challenges in different country context.
Following PHINLA's successful implementation in the last four years, International development and advocacy agency World Vision in partnership with Eco-Waste Coalition, organizes the Global Waste Management Conference in Manila with the theme "Towards Sustainable and Inclusive Waste Management: Innovations, Partnerships, and Empowerment", to be held on May 4-5, 2023 8:30AM-4;30 PM at the Heritage Hotel Manila Pasay City, Philippines.
Nearly a hundred International delegates and the media are expected to attend from the Philippines Sri Lanka, and Indonesia including representatives from different government and country offices, private providers, and multi-sectoral stakeholders on solid waste management at the local and community level.
The global conference also aims to highlight and celebrate what worked in the participating countries, especially the lessons and promising practices worth replicating and scaling up in the region. The eco-inspired event also hopes to highlight the Philppine government's contribution to Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) including SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities) and SDG 13 (Climate Action).