Miyerkules, Agosto 29, 2018


Parañaque City, August 30, 2018 – The European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP), in partnership with the EU-Philippines Business Network (EPBN), is hosting the Water Challenge Forum at the Solaire Resort Hotel on the 30th August, 2018. With the theme “Partnering with Stakeholders in Building a Sustainable Water Future”, this full-day event aims to address the ongoing water issues in the Philippines through providing a platform for the public and private sector to dialogue and support each other’s’ programs and water solutions.   

While much has been achieved in the Philippine water sector, there is still much left to be desired in terms of new developments. It is without a doubt that there needs to be more action taken in terms of securing the country’s sustainable water future. While people can live without most things, water is the very foundation of life and is something that all cannot live without. Despite this being a well-known fact, there is a low public appreciation on the importance of water to this day. Even if Filipino farmers are hit by drought, people suffer from temporary water shortages, and many have no access to clean water, on the whole no one feels that there is a serious water crisis hitting the country, at least enough to be alarmed about. So this leads to a “why act now” attitude.

ECCP President Guenter Taus shares, “Through the Water Challenge Forum, we hope to highlight the need for the private sector to increase their competitiveness by managing resources well, addressing market requirements, and ensuring businesses are built on the foundation of sustainability and resiliency. On the flip side, there needs to be faster development and progress in the water sector from the Philippine government in order to address these water challenges head on.”

The event aims to address four main goals:
To provide an update on recent developments in the Philippine water sector and discuss policy, programs, and projects initiated by the National Government Agencies and Local Government Units;

To engage non-government organizations and international organizations to share their insights and programs on developing the Philippine water sector;
To highlight business opportunities in the Philippine water sector;

And to showcase innovative technologies that address the Philippine water challenges

Speakers during the Water Challenge Forum include representatives from the European Union Delegation to the Philippines, DENR, NEDA, Philippine Water Partnership, National Water Resources Board, UNICEF Philippines, UNESCO-Jakarta, the Local Water Utilities Administration, the World Bank, Public-Private Partnership Center, Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System, Maynilad Water Services, Nestlé Philippines, and the InangLupa Movement.

The 2018 Water Challenge Forum is supported by Gold Sponsor Maynilad, Silver Sponsors ARUP, Nestlé, Unitec Pipe Manufacturing Corporation, Media Partner Business World, and Partner Organizations Philippine Association of Water Districts, Philippine Business for the Environment, and the Philippine Water Partnership.

Miyerkules, Agosto 22, 2018

Two days to go, Go Negosyo's Mentor Me On Wheels to kick off in Quezon City!

We will be heading to The Block Atrium for the seventh leg of Mentor Me on Wheels in two days. The free one-on-one mentoring session will happen this August 24, 2018. Attendees will get the chance to sit with a Go Negosyo mentor for a 30-minute mentoring session.

Through MMOW, Go Negosyo introduces mentors to micro-small business owners, offering technical and practical know-how on entrepreneurship through events in more convenient and accessible locations. This program is in line with the current administration’s vision to capacitate micro-small businesses in boosting the Philippine economy.
Interested participants can pre-register through https://www.tinyurl.com/MMOWNORTHEDSA. Walk-ins are also welcome and may register on the day of the event. Limited slots available.

The Mentor Me Mobile App is now available for download on Google Play Store. The iOS version will be released soon.

Become a Go Negosyo mentor! Register via www.tinyurl.com/beagonegmentor. For more information, call 637-9229 or 637-9347.

75 In­dian firms join INDEE flag­ship en­gi­neer­ing show The Philippine Star22 Aug 2018

Some 75 In­dian firms, en­com­pass­ing the en­tire value chain of the en­gi­neer­ing in­dus­try, would be scout­ing for trade and in­vest­ment deals in the Philip­pines and other mar­kets in South Asia by par­tic­i­pat­ing in the coun­try’s flag­ship high tech­nol­ogy ex­po­si­tion ‘INDEE,’ be­ing held in Manila be­tween Aug. 22 and 25, un­der the aegis of the EEPC In­dia with the ac­tive sup­port of the Com­merce Min­istry.

As In­dia and the Philip­pines are in the process of im­ple­ment­ing game-chang­ing eco­nomic re­forms, the two coun­tries are keen on giv­ing fur­ther im­pe­tus to the bi­lat­eral trade of about $2.5 bil­lion dur­ing 2017-18, which has grown well but re­mains be­low the po­ten­tial, said In­dia’s Am­bas­sador to the Philip­pines Jaideep Mazum­dar.

As In­dia and the Philip­pines are in the process of im­ple­ment­ing game-chang­ing eco­nomic re­forms, the two coun­tries are keen on giv­ing fur­ther im­pe­tus to the bi­lat­eral trade of about $2.5 bil­lion dur­ing 2017-18, which has grown well but re­mains be­low the po­ten­tial, said In­dia’s Am­bas­sador to the Philip­pines Jaideep Mazum­dar.

He said the en­gi­neer­ing sec­tor, in­clud­ing au­to­mo­biles, is one of the main ar­eas of In­dian in­vest­ment in the Philip­pines. Con­tribut­ing sig­nif­i­cantly to In­dia’s to­tal ex­ports to the Philip­pines, the en­gi­neer­ing ex­ports are grow­ing apace at ship­ments worth $670.43 mil­lion dur­ing 2017-18. The fo­cus of the bi­lat­eral com­mer­cial en­gage­ment has to be not only on trade but in­vest­ment as well, he said.

EEPC In­dia se­nior vice chair­man Ma­hesh De­sai said close to 75 In­dian en­trepreneurs are ex­pected to showcase smart man­u­fac­tur­ing tech­nolo­gies, metal cut­ting machin­ery, in­dus­trial sup­ply, in­dus­trial and elec­tri­cal machin­ery and sheet metal machin­ery, among oth­ers at the INDEE. It is for the first time that this pres­ti­gious ex­po­si­tion is be­ing held in the Philip­pines , as it would be its 39th edi­tion.

EEPC In­dia se­nior vice chair­man Ma­hesh De­sai said close to 75 In­dian en­trepreneurs are ex­pected to showcase smart man­u­fac­tur­ing tech­nolo­gies, metal cut­ting machin­ery, in­dus­trial sup­ply, in­dus­trial and elec­tri­cal machin­ery and sheet metal machin­ery, among oth­ers at the INDEE. It is for the first time that this pres­ti­gious ex­po­si­tion is be­ing held in the Philip­pines , as it would be its 39th edi­tion.

Both na­tions are un­der­go­ing much needed re­form pro­cesses with strong fo­cus on en­hance­ment of busi­ness, trade and in­vest­ments. Both are mov­ing to­ward a higher growth tra­jec­tory which is likely to sus­tain given the un­der­ly­ing strength of these economies.

In­take ca­pac­i­ties of both economies are in­creas­ing while they both hold an ever strength­en­ing bi­lat­eral re­la­tions. The time is apt to fur­ther deepen the In­doPhilip­pine re­la­tion­ship with mu­tu­ally ben­e­fi­cial mea­sures where role of these types of trade fairs and ex­hi­bi­tions would re­ally be in­stru­men­tal. I be­lieve this INDEE Philip­pines 2018 will be a whole hearted ef­fort to­ward a more con­sol­i­dated bi­lat­eral re­la­tions be­tween In­dia and the Philip­pines with a fo­cus on trade and in­vest­ments, he added.

In­take ca­pac­i­ties of both economies are in­creas­ing while they both hold an ever strength­en­ing bi­lat­eral re­la­tions. The time is apt to fur­ther deepen the In­doPhilip­pine re­la­tion­ship with mu­tu­ally ben­e­fi­cial mea­sures where role of these types of trade fairs and ex­hi­bi­tions would re­ally be in­stru­men­tal. I be­lieve this INDEE Philip­pines 2018 will be a whole hearted ef­fort to­ward a more con­sol­i­dated bi­lat­eral re­la­tions be­tween In­dia and the Philip­pines with a fo­cus on trade and in­vest­ments, he added.

In­vest­ment re­la­tions be­tween In­dia and the Philip­pines are also well es­tab­lished with the foot­prints of In­dian ma­jors like Aditya Birla Group, Is­pat Group, Tata and Mahin­dra in this West Pa­cific archipelago. Dur­ing the last few years, In­dian com­pa­nies have suc­cess­fully ex­e­cuted some small and medium sized projects in this ASEAN mem­ber na­tion that took the to­tal In­dian in­vest­ments to more than $650 mil­lion. Tex­tiles, gar­ments, IT and ITes, steel, air­ports, chem­i­cals, au­to­mo­biles and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals are mainly the sec­tors that caught the at­ten­tion of In­dian in­vestors.

In­vest­ment re­la­tions be­tween In­dia and the Philip­pines are also well es­tab­lished with the foot­prints of In­dian ma­jors like Aditya Birla Group, Is­pat Group, Tata and Mahin­dra in this West Pa­cific archipelago. Dur­ing the last few years, In­dian com­pa­nies have suc­cess­fully ex­e­cuted some small and medium sized projects in this ASEAN mem­ber na­tion that took the to­tal In­dian in­vest­ments to

WeChatPay, 58Pay and Tag Media Group merged in the Philippines to prepare for the influx of Chinese tourists

WeChatPay from China expansion  has been focused on Chinese tourists abroad rather than launching local versions of the platform.

Right now, there’s an ongoing orientation and training of the platform which was launch recently in the Philippines by some of the companies under Yupangco Group (Filremit, Yupangco Electronics Corporation, Manila Express, Zoomanity Group, Yamaha Music among others). Now launched as 58Pay with Bong De Ocampo and Robert Laurel Yupangco as partners and recently introduced to the public with the media at UnliCity, Century City Mall, Makati.

According to WeChatPay, “We focused on expanding the payments service abroad, but it has stopped short of trying to create a local version of the platform for other countries. Instead, the company has been focused on signing up merchants in many countries to accept the payment system so Chinese tourists can use the payments platform abroad and right now in the Philippines.”

According to Engr. Grace Bondad Nicolas, one of the partners of 58Pay, “We are looking for merchants which Chinese tourists are fond to go , just like some outlets and duty free, some famous restaurants like Samgyupsalamat, theme parks, hotels and companies like Air Asia & Jeju Air.

In the Philippines, the expectation is to increase the Chinese tourist especially now that the Duterte administration has a good relationship with China.

To know more about it, please call 09778978877 or 219 3503 to be one of the merchants.

PRRC praised for Maytunas Creek rehabilitation

L-R) Ms. Elaine Aparis of LGU Manila DPS, Ms. Maria Luz Olazo of LGU San Juan-CENRO, Ms. Frederika C. Rentoy of LGU QC-EPWMD, Exec. Dir. Jose Antonio E. Goitia of PRRC, Mr. Emmanuel P. Oblea Jr. of LGU Mandaluyong-CENRO, and Dep. Dir. Anshari C. Lomodag Jr. of PRRC shows their unity toward controlling the pollution in San Juan River through the installation of inter-city trash traps last May

Mayor Carmelita “Menchie” Abalos expressed her gratitude to PRRC Executive Director Jose Goitia and to all PRRC employees for their efforts in cleaning and developing the Maytunas creek.

The developed Maytunas creek linear park has been opened to the public since February 24, 2016.

The PRRC installed waste water interventions at Maytunas creek such as bioremediation and interceptor canal.

According to Goitia, the said creek’s 1,368 linear meters of recovered easements also feature solar-powered and electric lighting fixtures, paver blocks, concrete bench, railings, and ramp for persons with disabilities.

Prior to its rehabilitation, Mandaluyong LGU’s environmental management department head Emmanuel “Sonny” Oblea shared that they used to receive numerous complaints about the massive volume of wastes in Maytunas creek.

Mandaluyong City likewise installed trash traps before but their efforts were unsuccessful due to the massive amount of garbage to clean.

“Hindi pa ‘to [inter-city installation of trash traps] nagagawa, naglalagay na kami ng trap. Sa loob ng isang buwan, apat na beses na naglilinis kami because of numerous complaints,” said Oblea.

Oblea pointed out the important role of PRRC’s leadership and interagency cooperation in rehabilitating the creek that has prevented the flooding in the area.

“But because of the project of the PRRC again, inayos nila yung aming Maytunas creek. I think last year, wala na akong natatanggap na reklamo tungkol sa mga basura na nagka-clog doon sa aming part of Maytunas,” Oblea stated.

 Maytunas creek is one of the 47 identified tributaries of the Pasig River system.

The awful condition of the Maytunas creek in Manadaluyong City before rehabilitation.
The rehabilitated Maytunas creek in Mandaluyong is looking beautiful as a linear park.

Martes, Agosto 21, 2018

PRRC, NHA relocate another 60 ISFs from Estero de Magdalena

Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission (PRRC) relocated another batch of informal settler families (ISFs) along the stretch of Estero de Magdalena in Manila on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 with the help of the Local Inter-Agency Committee of Manila and the Local Government of Trece Martires, Cavite.
PRRC Executive Director Jose Antonio "Pepeton" E. Goitia said 60 families were transferred to their new houses in Summer Home, Trece Martires, Cavite.
From November 2015 to July 3, PRRC already transferred 1,049 ISFs out of the target 2,015 to various relocation sites in Bulacan and Cavite.
Goitia said that before the relocation, the families were accompanied and assisted by PRRC in various community dialogues and ocular inspections as part of their social preparation.
They were also provided with trucks and vans as they move to the relocation site.
The Department of Social Welfare and Development – Manila likewise provided each family with food supplies such as rice, canned goods and coffee.
Other entitlements included livelihood assistance and disaster preparedness training.
Goitia further added that Mayor Sagun would spearhead series of job fairs for the families in addition to livelihood training assistance.
Once all the ISFs are removed, the PRRC could begin the construction of the linear park along the estero as it did in Estero de Pandacan, Estero de Paco, Maytunas Creek, Estero de San Miguel and many other once-polluted waterways.
The government allotted P17 million for the rehabilitation of Estero de Magdalena into a clear waterway with easements developed into a linear park useful for community access and recreation.
The families watched and consented to the dismantling of their informal settlements with smiles on their faces as they moved to Cavite.
Trece Martires Mayor Melandres G. De Sagun welcomed the families in Cavite and ensured that their houses were in good condition, and accessible to important facilities like hospital and school.

For inquiries, please contact:

George Oliver G. De La Rama             Alyssa Chrizelle N. Miclat
Head, Public Information Advocacy and Tourism Division             Information Officer III
Tel. No.: (02) 926-5232 local 110 0933.499.6737
Mobile No.: 0906-277- 7946 0998.999.1192
Email: prrc.gov@gmail.com prrc.gov@gmail.com georgedelarama.prrc@gmail.com

Linggo, Agosto 19, 2018

The holistic nutrition workshop featuring GERSON DIET for CANCER.

Let's get your health journey started! Come and join us in a day of making delectable and healthy recipes and discover why everyone is falling in love with plant-based diet. You will be nurtured with sufficient inspiration and information to prepare nourishing meals and snacks for yourself and your family.

Have the opportunity to create new recipes, learn new things, and meet new friends. There will be sampling of the yummy healthy dishes, take home recipes and handouts along with question and answer time and a truly unforgettable experience to share.

With our World Class Speaker: Chef Arlene Clemente- an internationally trained holistic Raw food Chef, with amazing credentials and seasoned speaker for health, wellness and disease management.

Registration fee: P 1,500.00 / Person (discounted price)
Venue: HICC Nutriment Center, UG 11 Cityland Pasong Tamo Condominium, 6264 Calle Estacion, Pio Del Pilar, Makati City
Time: 10 am to 3 pm

-FREE lunch
-FREE manuals
-FREE aprons
-FREE take-home samplers
-Raffle Prizes

With Onsite;
-Knife Onsite
-Chopping Board
-Spices and ingredients
-Vegetables Fruits

For more details and reservations, contact us at the following numbers:
Chef Arlene 0927-567-8562
HICC hotlines: 02 744-5355

Biyernes, Agosto 17, 2018

World-class natural remedy for Filipina beauty & wellness expert’s crowning glory

Hair loss is a concern for both men and women. It can have a devastating effect to anyone who experiences it. 
According to Web MD, the average adult head has about 100,000 to 150,000 strands of hair and loses up to 100 of them a day, which is normal. As people age, their rate of hair growth slows, and they can experience losing more than hundreds of strands which is quite alarming. So what can you do to prevent it? 
For beauty and wellness expert, Cory Quirino, embracing wellness is the first step to help improve the hair’s condition and make people look younger.
“If you choose to have a wellness lifestyle, then expect wonderful changes such as radiant skin, energy, and a general sense of well-being,” she emphasizes. “In time, you will realize that you have successfully delayed the aging process.”
The beauty and wellness expert says that choosing wellness as a lifestyle includes eating nutritious food, exercising, getting a good sleep, drinking generous amounts of water, managing stress, getting enough sunshine, and above all, staying positive. 
On top of a daily healthy regimen, a supplement is necessary to maintain a healthy hair and scalp. Many people opt to use chemical-based products. But for her, the use of natural products is a must and the best solution for hair loss.
“There are hair treatment products in the market today that claim to be effective but their ingredients could contain chemicals that may prove harmful with long-term use,” she enthuses. “Choose natural. Say NO to harsh chemicals and let nature do the makeover,” she emphasizes.
Natural ingredients such as virgin coconut oil (VCO) and aloe vera are loaded with beneficial properties, which boost the health of the scalp and hair. These and much more natural herbs and essential oils can be found in NOVUHAIR, a topical scalp lotion with 19 natural ingredients that work in synergy to help prevent hair loss, which the beauty and wellness expert approves of.
“Even if I have been blessed with thick hair, I know that it has to be cared for,” she maintains. “I use NOVUHAIR topical scalp lotion once daily in the evening before bedtime. Next morning, I apply it on my scalp again, then a shampoo after 30 minutes. Those who wish to further thicken the hair, it is a must to also use the shampoo and conditioner daily.”  
Eventually, she noticed impressive effects after using this breakthrough product: significant lessening of hair fall, abundant growth of tress, and the return of locks’ luster.
Apart from being effective, it’s a very safe solution, too. A local clinical study has proven that NOVUHAIR has no adverse side effects with continuous use. 
Moreover, NOVUHAIR is not just for those who experience hair loss. Younger people, especially the millennials, can use it for maintenance or prevention if hair loss runs in the family.

Cory recommends NOVUHAIR to everyone, especially to those who want to maintain their hair the best way they can. For her, this globally-competitive natural product answers the needs of a discriminating, health-conscious public.
Born on August 11, the granddaughter of the late Philippine President Elpidio Quirino is an author, and television and radio host. She has been a strong advocate for natural health, beauty, and wellness for more than two decades.
“Twenty years ago, it was as simple a goal as weight loss. But when I saw the dramatic effect it had on my vitality and complexion, I knew that this was the good path to take. For those who wish the same things I wanted then, this would be just as easy to embrace,” Cory recalls. 
She wrote a series of best-seller books entitled “Forever Young”, which feature beauty and health tips as well as her own workout programs. Likewise, she also made a fitness video called “Cory Quirino’s Celebrity Workout for Beginners”.
For her, living in the 21st century has its challenges. She says: “The best way to live long and be well is to live a natural life.” 
Truly, for a natural woman like Cory, her crowning glory deserves nothing but a world-class natural remedy that is NOVUHAIR.
NOVUHAIR is available at Mercury Drug and other leading drugstores nationwide. You may also have the product delivered right at your doorstep through Lazada at https://bit.ly/2Jc92Vk

For more information, contact NOVUHAIR hotlines at 413.6570 and 0922.8830575, visit www.novuhair.com, and Facebook Page: Novuhair Official. #choosenatural #ichoosenatural #novuhair #naturalwoman

Huwebes, Agosto 9, 2018

Asia Leaders Awards 2018 is open for Nomination till August 30, 2018 with CEZA administrator Secretary Raul Lambino as part of the awards committee

Asia Leaders Forum Series is one of the most sought after business forum in the nation where leaders are speakers sharing their expertise to promote the Philippines as the premier business hub in Asia. For this year, Tag Media Group and Manila Times launched the “Asia Leaders Awards 2018” to acknowledge the honourable men and women who are continuously sharing their skills and time for the greater good not only for the Philippines but beyond. Asia Leaders Awards is built on the idea that for entrepreneurs to continue innovating, empowering others and sustaining their leadership.


1. Lifetime Excellence Award
2. Young Leader Award
3. Young CEO Award
4. Technology Company of the Year
5. Soul for OFWs Company of the Year
6. Tag Media & PR Brand Company of the Year Award
7. Most Innovative Company of the Year
8. SME Company of the Year
9. Green Company of the Year
10. CSR Company of the Year
11. Service Excellence Company of the Year
12. BPO Company of the Year
13. Tourism Company of the Year
14. Mentor of the Year Award
15. Global Filipino Leader Award
16. Start Up Company of the Year
17. Real Estate Company of the Year
18. Asean Company of the Year
19. Entrepreneur Of The Year Award
20. Hospitality Company of the Year Award

Nominations started this May 2018 with accomplished, credible and recognised business leaders in Asia Pacific & Beyond as part of the awards committee. Nomination will run till August 30, 2018. Nomination link is http://www.asialeadersawards.org  Gala Night will be on November 15, 2018 at Makati Shangrila Hotel. Judges will be launched also in a Press Conference this September 2018. Confirmed awards committee;

Secretary Raul Lambino
Administrator/ CEO
(Cagayan Economic Zone Authority- CEZA)

Tan Yu III
Secretary General
(Makati Tourism Foundation Inc)

Rick Sobreviñas - Chairman (American Association of the Philippines)

Dante Ang II- President & CEO ( The Manila Times)

James Jimenez - Director (Commission on Elections)

Dr. Elton See Tan- Vice Chairman (Federation of Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce)

Andrew Troy Nicolas- Co Founder & CEO (Tag Media Group)

Robert Laurel Yupangco - President (Yupangco Group of Companies)

Jake Zyrus- Award winning performer/Artist

Ajay Kesavan- Country Head (GI Corp Philippines Incorporated)

Rudolf Kotik - Founder & CEO ( RK Franchise Consultancy)

Mikel Yaw- Group Managing Director (Elabram Systems Group)

Edward Ling- President (Malaysia Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines)

Engr. Grace Bondad Nicolas- Co Founder & COO
(Tag Media Group)

Jesse Francis Rebustillo
(People Management Association of the Philippines 2016)

We are accepting sponsors and exhibitors. For more information: grace@tagmedia.asia, registration@asialeadersawards.org |09778978877 or 2193503

Lunes, Agosto 6, 2018


Sign up now for ColorManila’s 
CM Challenge Run Davao, set on August 12, 2018

01 August 2018 - MANILA - ColorManila, the country’s number one fun-run organizer, is heading to Davao City on August 12, 2018, for the CM Challenge Run Davao, set to take place at the SM Lanang Premier.  This will be the first time that the CM Challenge Run, which combines obstacles with the race, will be brought to Mindanao, this is also Davao’s first time to host such an event.  

ColorManila VP Justine Cordero says, “We are excited to bring CM Challenge Run to Davao, which is a perfect mix of both a fun-run and an obstacle course run, or OCR.  We are also bringing our CM Challenge obstacles to Davao, and we would like to invite runners, and our followers alike, to join this event on August 12, 2018.”

Participants of CM Challenge Davao can choose between 3K, 5K and 10K, and can look forward to obstacles such as the inflatable slide, inflatable tire skip, military crawl obstacles, among others.  Apart from which, runners can listen to the latest music while going through the various challenges.  

Runners also have the option of choosing between the Deluxe Kit, or the Rockstar Kit.  The Deluxe Kit, which is priced at P599, includes the event shirt, race bib, finisher’s medal, sunglasses, and a color packet.

While the Rockstar Kit, priced at P799, includes the event shirt, race bib, finisher’s medal, sunglasses, sling bag, headwear, and a color packet.

The event is made possible by Camella, Honda Philippines, and its official venue partner, SM Lanang Premier.

Registration is still ongoing, for more information, visitwww.colormanila.com.



ColorManila encourages everyone to run, and to illustrate to non-runners how enjoyable the sport is, we bring out the real fun in the ‘fun’ run, through a color festival.  We are the paintbrushes, and You are the Paint. We carry the palette but You make your own Strokes. You become the human canvas, as we literally bring out your most energetic and happiest hue.

You are the Color, the human Canvas. You are the bits and pieces of this kaleidoscope. Because life is not a competition. Rather, it is a race where you run at your own pace, where you throw high-fives to people, where you carry all the colors of your experiences. We make this as the most exciting fun run ever, that you’d want to do it over and over again. We want to give you that unique kaleidoscope experience every time!

Visit www.colormanila.com for more information.

Linggo, Agosto 5, 2018

BALAG AT ANGUD - Layeta Bucoy

Is a musical based on the life of protest installation artist JUNYEE by playwright LayetaBucoy.

Believing in the power of the arts to influence and transform people, seventeen years old Junyee sets up his original artwork at the lobby of the Palace Hotel which his father tasked him to manage. Referred to as garbage by their clients, Luis tries to get rid of the artwork. Junyee protests as the artwork is his way of enlightening people on the need of caring for the mountains of Agusan. Their argument leads to Junyee leaving home in pursuit of his art.

Without his father's support, Junyee makes use of his artistry in order to fend for himself. He lands a job as a makeup artist in a funeral parlor. While working for the funeral parlor, Junyee receives news of his father's death. Junyee goes home and applies makeup on his father's corpse. Junyee then studies Fine Arts at the University of the Philippines. He becomes one of Prof. Abueva's apprentices, enjoying free board and lodging plus a regular allowance from the respected artist. While studying sculpture under Prof. Abueva's wing. Junyee tries to incorporate protest materials against the Marcos dictatorship in one of the sculptures that they are crafting. This prompts Prof. Abueva to give Junyee his freedom as he feels that Junyee should already be able to grow as an artist on his own. Junyee's vision of creating a sculpture incorporated with materials coming from protesters finally sees the light when he creates Balag. Still with no regular job and living in the slums while creating artworks which he cannot sell, on his thirtieth birthday, Junyee is visited by the ghost of Luis reminding him that like his artworks, his life has not amounted to anything but garbage.

After several years, with the onslaught of typhoons Milenyo and Reming, Junyee is given the opportunity to create an artwork at the front lawn of the Cultural Center of the Philippines. He gathers the felled trees around CCP complex, intending to plant them upside down. Unfortunately, while in the middle of creating his art work, people looted the trees for firewood. Junyee sets out to replace them with ten thousand angud - " skulls " or what's left of trees victimized by small time logging. During the launch of Angud: A Forest Once, Junyee falls off the stage. On the brink of death, the ghost of Luis fetches him. Junyee refuses to go with Luis for he realizes that his art work lacks one more angud. Luis insists on taking him to his death for what's the point of living to create art which is only deemed as firewood and garbage?

#CCP  #BalagAtAngud - watch out for this musical play coming soon at CCP Little Theater on Aug 31, 2018
 to Sept 16, 2018

Tickets: PHP 1000 | PHP 800
Now available in Ticketworld and the CCP Box Office

For inquiries and show buying opportunities, please contact
Tanghalang Pilipino office 8321125 loc 1620 and look for
LEI 0915 6072275 or
ENZO 0999 8843821


Sabado, Agosto 4, 2018

Juan Balikbayan " Si Juan Balikbayan ay Bumabalik para Tumulong Iangat ang Bayan

Madam Ma.Luisa Lopez the lady behind  Juan Balikbayan advocates for job creation by supporting a Career Formation and Retooling Program ( CFRP ). The CFRP will help children of our OFW's and also the displaced OFW's in the area of career training, guidance and endorsement of job resources. In partnership with Business Enterprise and Career Mentors, Inc.  BECMI.


" Si Juan Balikbayan ay Bumabalik para Tumulong Iangat ang Bayan "

Para ma-enjoy ang ganda ng Bayan
Para makapagbigay hanapbuhay sa pamilya ng kababayan
Para suportahan ang proyekto ng kababayan
Para mag-pundar ng pag-aari na pinauubaya sa pamilya ng kababayan
Para bigyan ng pag-asa ang bayan

It is a Forum and " One Stop Shop " Service for the needs of selected Filipino Balikbayans and Overseas Workers who would temporarily or permanently reintegrate in the Philippines for reasons of leisure, career, business or investment.

It introduces the " Juan Balikbayan Kard " which entitles the use of services of Juan Balikbayan website, Special recognition in local establishments. Part of membership fee will go to Juan Balikbayan's outreach and career assistance.

The advocacy card raise individuals that will end poverty for themselves, their families, their community and their country. It includes " KABAYAN PARTNERS " or Merchant Partners which extend discounts on several establishments which includes the likes of Hotels, Foods, Furnitures, Health and wellness. With Ready Access to Franchise, Legal Services, BECMI-Business Enterprise and Career Mentors, Inc.

To know more about  Juan Balikbayan Kard

A Kard for a cause visit:
Website: www.juanbalikbayan.com
Email: juanbalikbayaninc@gmail.com
FB account: JuanBalikbayanOfficial
Contact: ( 02 ) 332-7929

Biyernes, Agosto 3, 2018

Nutriment Workshop 2018 (Class 1)

The holistic nutrition workshop featuring "Anti-Inflammatory Diet" is here!

Let's get your health journey started! Come and join us in a day of making delectable and healthy recipes and discover why everyone is falling in love with plant-based diet. You will be nurtured with sufficient inspiration and information to prepare nourishing meals and snacks for yourself and your family.

Have the opportunity to create new recipes, learn new things, and meet new friends. There will be sampling of the yummy healthy dishes, take home recipes and handouts along with question and answer time and a truly unforgettable experience to share.

With our World Class Speaker:

Chef Arlene Clemente- an internationally trained holistic Raw food Chef, with amazing credentials and seasoned speaker for health, wellness and disease management.

Registration fee: P 1,500.00 / Person (discounted price)

Venue: HICC Nutriment Center, UG 11 Cityland Pasong Tamo Condominium, 6264 Calle Estacion, Pio Del Pilar, Makati City

Time: 10 am to 3 pm

FREE lunch
FREE manuals
FREE aprons
FREE take-home samplers
Raffle Prizes

Onsite Knife
Onsite Chopping Board
Spices and ingredients

For more details and reservations, contact us at the following numbers:

Chef Arlene 0927-567-8562
PR Jay 0916-917-5054 / 0933-817-9671

HICC hotlines:
02 744-5355

See you there!
