Miyerkules, Agosto 22, 2018

75 In­dian firms join INDEE flag­ship en­gi­neer­ing show The Philippine Star22 Aug 2018

Some 75 In­dian firms, en­com­pass­ing the en­tire value chain of the en­gi­neer­ing in­dus­try, would be scout­ing for trade and in­vest­ment deals in the Philip­pines and other mar­kets in South Asia by par­tic­i­pat­ing in the coun­try’s flag­ship high tech­nol­ogy ex­po­si­tion ‘INDEE,’ be­ing held in Manila be­tween Aug. 22 and 25, un­der the aegis of the EEPC In­dia with the ac­tive sup­port of the Com­merce Min­istry.

As In­dia and the Philip­pines are in the process of im­ple­ment­ing game-chang­ing eco­nomic re­forms, the two coun­tries are keen on giv­ing fur­ther im­pe­tus to the bi­lat­eral trade of about $2.5 bil­lion dur­ing 2017-18, which has grown well but re­mains be­low the po­ten­tial, said In­dia’s Am­bas­sador to the Philip­pines Jaideep Mazum­dar.

As In­dia and the Philip­pines are in the process of im­ple­ment­ing game-chang­ing eco­nomic re­forms, the two coun­tries are keen on giv­ing fur­ther im­pe­tus to the bi­lat­eral trade of about $2.5 bil­lion dur­ing 2017-18, which has grown well but re­mains be­low the po­ten­tial, said In­dia’s Am­bas­sador to the Philip­pines Jaideep Mazum­dar.

He said the en­gi­neer­ing sec­tor, in­clud­ing au­to­mo­biles, is one of the main ar­eas of In­dian in­vest­ment in the Philip­pines. Con­tribut­ing sig­nif­i­cantly to In­dia’s to­tal ex­ports to the Philip­pines, the en­gi­neer­ing ex­ports are grow­ing apace at ship­ments worth $670.43 mil­lion dur­ing 2017-18. The fo­cus of the bi­lat­eral com­mer­cial en­gage­ment has to be not only on trade but in­vest­ment as well, he said.

EEPC In­dia se­nior vice chair­man Ma­hesh De­sai said close to 75 In­dian en­trepreneurs are ex­pected to showcase smart man­u­fac­tur­ing tech­nolo­gies, metal cut­ting machin­ery, in­dus­trial sup­ply, in­dus­trial and elec­tri­cal machin­ery and sheet metal machin­ery, among oth­ers at the INDEE. It is for the first time that this pres­ti­gious ex­po­si­tion is be­ing held in the Philip­pines , as it would be its 39th edi­tion.

EEPC In­dia se­nior vice chair­man Ma­hesh De­sai said close to 75 In­dian en­trepreneurs are ex­pected to showcase smart man­u­fac­tur­ing tech­nolo­gies, metal cut­ting machin­ery, in­dus­trial sup­ply, in­dus­trial and elec­tri­cal machin­ery and sheet metal machin­ery, among oth­ers at the INDEE. It is for the first time that this pres­ti­gious ex­po­si­tion is be­ing held in the Philip­pines , as it would be its 39th edi­tion.

Both na­tions are un­der­go­ing much needed re­form pro­cesses with strong fo­cus on en­hance­ment of busi­ness, trade and in­vest­ments. Both are mov­ing to­ward a higher growth tra­jec­tory which is likely to sus­tain given the un­der­ly­ing strength of these economies.

In­take ca­pac­i­ties of both economies are in­creas­ing while they both hold an ever strength­en­ing bi­lat­eral re­la­tions. The time is apt to fur­ther deepen the In­doPhilip­pine re­la­tion­ship with mu­tu­ally ben­e­fi­cial mea­sures where role of these types of trade fairs and ex­hi­bi­tions would re­ally be in­stru­men­tal. I be­lieve this INDEE Philip­pines 2018 will be a whole hearted ef­fort to­ward a more con­sol­i­dated bi­lat­eral re­la­tions be­tween In­dia and the Philip­pines with a fo­cus on trade and in­vest­ments, he added.

In­take ca­pac­i­ties of both economies are in­creas­ing while they both hold an ever strength­en­ing bi­lat­eral re­la­tions. The time is apt to fur­ther deepen the In­doPhilip­pine re­la­tion­ship with mu­tu­ally ben­e­fi­cial mea­sures where role of these types of trade fairs and ex­hi­bi­tions would re­ally be in­stru­men­tal. I be­lieve this INDEE Philip­pines 2018 will be a whole hearted ef­fort to­ward a more con­sol­i­dated bi­lat­eral re­la­tions be­tween In­dia and the Philip­pines with a fo­cus on trade and in­vest­ments, he added.

In­vest­ment re­la­tions be­tween In­dia and the Philip­pines are also well es­tab­lished with the foot­prints of In­dian ma­jors like Aditya Birla Group, Is­pat Group, Tata and Mahin­dra in this West Pa­cific archipelago. Dur­ing the last few years, In­dian com­pa­nies have suc­cess­fully ex­e­cuted some small and medium sized projects in this ASEAN mem­ber na­tion that took the to­tal In­dian in­vest­ments to more than $650 mil­lion. Tex­tiles, gar­ments, IT and ITes, steel, air­ports, chem­i­cals, au­to­mo­biles and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals are mainly the sec­tors that caught the at­ten­tion of In­dian in­vestors.

In­vest­ment re­la­tions be­tween In­dia and the Philip­pines are also well es­tab­lished with the foot­prints of In­dian ma­jors like Aditya Birla Group, Is­pat Group, Tata and Mahin­dra in this West Pa­cific archipelago. Dur­ing the last few years, In­dian com­pa­nies have suc­cess­fully ex­e­cuted some small and medium sized projects in this ASEAN mem­ber na­tion that took the to­tal In­dian in­vest­ments to

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